
How Humming Bird got its Name

Hummingbirds are brightly coloured small birds, native to America. They are cute and fascinating birds. They belong to the family Trochilidae and there are about 360 species of Hummingbirds. These birds are found. a majority in the tropics. Hummingbirds have spectacular moves of flights. They can fly in all directions, fly forward, backward and also upside down. The birds can hover for a long period of time during their flight.                                                                  Humming Bird Hummingbirds produce pleasant humming sounds when it hovers over the flowers for feeding. The humming sound is generated when the bird's wings beat. That's how it got its name 'Hummingbird' and scientists have discovered that the hummingbird's hum originated due to the pressure difference between the top and undersides of the wings.  It's found that the primary source of the hum is the upward-lifting pressure difference. Hummingbirds are migratory birds and the

Yellowstone National Park-The World's First National Park in

Yellowstone National Park was established in 1872 and is located in the Western United States,  State of Wyoming. It is considered one of the most scenic wonders and the World's first National Park. The park accounts for its splendid water pools, boiling pools, geysers, volcanoes, hot springs, mountain lakes, beautiful twisting red and yellow canyon, a wealth of wildlife and spectacular waterfalls.    Native Americans lived in the Yellowstone region and were visited by mountain men during the 19th century. Exploration of the Yellowstone region began only in the late 1860s. The area is protected by hundreds of structures that are built to preserve the architectural and historical significance of the park. The Caldera is considered a dormant volcano and most of the Yellowstone land area is covered by volcanic eruptions.  Yellowstone region is a fabled and wilderness fantasy of nature. There are remote lakes, forests, meadows and forests that habitats wildlife. These places are perfec

Migratory Birds facing severe threats due to climatic changes

Bird species around the world are threatened due to grave changes in the environment. The factors that are posing dangers include climatic change, loss of habitats due to deforestation, hunting and the signal mobile towers. Hundreds of bird species are migratory, they travel very long distances for breeding and raising their chicks. Migratory birds find their way by using the location of the sun and the stars.                                                                     Migratory Bird Some of the migratory birds Siberian Cranes- These cranes are known to travel for about 200 miles in a day. Arctic Tern- It is known to fly about 49,700 miles in a year,  the longest journey it undertakes to fly from the Arctic to the Antarctic.  Humming Bird- The smallest bird travels at a speed of about 48km/hour. Bar Headed Goose- It can fly about 2,5000 feet from the earth to cross over the great Himalayan mountains.    Reasons for Migratory Bird Journeys To find the habitats for breeding place

How 'Valley of Flowers' in Uttaranchal Got its Name

  Do you know how ‘Valley of Flowers' got its name and where is it located?   Want to know about this splendid valley’s biodiversity and its richness? Then read this article to know about the flora and fauna that habitats this beautiful ‘Valley of Flowers”. Also, view the ‘Breathtaking Flower Meadows"   of ‘Valley of Flowers’    The Valley of Flowers is located in North Chamoli and Pithoragarh in Uttarakhand state. It is known for its meadows of alpine flowers and a variety of flora, butterflies, and birds with beautiful feathers. This Himalayan area located at an altitude of about 3,600 meters above the sea-level in the Uttaranchal region has the most gentle landscapes with beautiful scenery. Due to its diversity of alpine flora and rich wide range of species it has gained international importance and is becoming a popular destination for travelers.  While returning from a successful expedition to Mt. Kamet, the British mountaineers   Frank   Smythe, Eric Shipton, and R.L

How Butterflies Get Their Colors To Become Beautiful

                                                                Image by  MrGajowy3 -Pixabay Do you know why Butterflies are beautiful? How do butterflies get their colours to become beautiful? To know about it read the following article on butterflies.  Butterflies are beautiful forms of nature with myriad striking colours and attractive varied designs. The fragile beauties hover over flowers dancing and adorning the gardens bringing in beautiful pictures in sunlight.  The winged insects are elements of biodiversity that has fascinated man over centuries. Butterflies are creatures that help in the propagation of plants and thus preserve the rich habitats of the environment. These delicate beautify presents pleasantness, charm and flights of movements.  Butterflies bring about pleasant images of nature, spring season, gardens, flowers, sunshine, warmth, and life. The winged beauties are a delight to watch and their fluttering flight is a visual treat to one’s eyes. Butterflies are beau

Why Marigold is called ‘Herb of the Sun’

Marigold Marigolds are perennial plants belonging to the Asteraceae family. Tagetes is the scientific name for marigolds. The common name in English is marigold, the name derived from Mary’s Gold. A native of the South of Mexico is now found all around the world.   Marigolds are ornamental plants and favourite flowers they bring sunshine and colours to the summer and autumn gardens.   Due to its herbal properties, marigold has been grown in kitchen gardens. Nicholas Culpeper, an English botanist and herbalist described Marigold as the “Herb of the Sun”. Marigolds are produced singly or have double carnations,  and flowers open when the sun is out.   Marigold plants have leaves arranged opposite each other on the stem. October is the month of the birth month of marigolds. These beautiful vibrant flowers are sights to behold with their myriad colours of orange, yellow, white and golden. They have a pungent halfway unpleasant smell Some of the marigold species are Tagetes erecta( Mexican